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Le Mensonge peut courir un an, la vérité le rattrape en un jour, dit le sage Haoussa .

Tant que les lions n’auront pas leurs propres historiens, les histoires de chasse continueront de glorifier le chasseur.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wall Street Journal blasts John McCain

Posted: 01:59 PM ET
John McCain said 'Raising taxes in a tough economy isn't patriotic.'
John McCain said 'Raising taxes in a tough economy isn't patriotic.'

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

When you graduate 894th out of a class of 899, eventually it will show up.

And John McCain’s mediocre performance at the Naval Academy is showing up big time this week in his total lack of understanding of the nation’s financial crisis.

He told us he didn’t know much about the economy… now he’s proving it.

So much so that the Wall Street Journal, perhaps America’s leading financial publication, is blasting McCain over what its editorial board sees as inaccurate and, “unpresidential” comments about the crisis in America’s financial system.

If you’re a Republican running for president of the United States and the Wall Street Journal basically says you’re an incompetent buffoon, you’re in serious trouble.

Specifically the paper pointed to comments McCain made yesterday about SEC Chair Christopher Cox.

McCain pointed the finger at Cox and said if he were president, he’d fire him for “betraying the public’s trust.”

The Wall Street Journal called that assault “both false and deeply unfair.”

The Journal also said, “In a crisis voters want steady, calm leadership… not easy, misleading answers that will do nothing to help.”

Here’s my question to you: What does it mean when the Wall Street Journal slams Mcain on the economy?

Interested to know which ones made it on air?

Bob writes:
I don’t think so. I’m not going to panic. I think the worst thing a voter can do right now is vote the financial crisis. Right now I’m going to vote the future not the present. I hope that makes sense.

Michael from Bedford, New York writes:
In 2004, when Bush ran against Kerry, he always made a special point of celebrating new home ownership. Being a realtor at that time I saw the “NINJA” loans (no income, no job, no assets) being given and I wondered how the inevitable failures would be spun. Yesterday I saw. McCain who has always been against strong government oversight for the lending business has changed his mind and is railing against the greed. What a clown!

Alexia from Seattle, Washington writes:
McCain doesn’t know how many houses he owns. He wouldn’t know a financial crisis if it hit him in the face. Trump endorsed him, which makes complete sense because what they have in common is neither knows how many houses they own. Because of the financial crisis, I couldn’t buy a house right now if my life depended on it.

Bob writes:
No, it will not change my vote. I’m voting “third party.” Both McCain and Obama are a part of the problem and my vote means too much to me to give to either of them. Nor do I intend to vote for any incumbents. At some point we need to clean the rascals out.

Shannon writes:
No, the financial crisis has made me more sure of my vote for Obama. And just for the record I am a 54 year-old, white female, from south Alabama who has voted Republican since my 18th birthday. Thank God I have finally seen the light.

Mark from Pennsylvania writes:
Yes, I now want to vote for Obama twice.

Marty writes:
It means that traditional Republican organizations are trying to separate themselves from McCain just as McCain is trying to separate himself from Bush. The only question that leaves is “why?” My guess is because they are smart enough to look down the tracks and see the train wreck coming.

Marjorie from New York writes:
I will get back to you, Jack, after I am done jumping up and down. The Wall Street Journal, and then Obama looking so presidential today at the presser. I cannot stop screaming for joy. McCain’s goose is so cooked.

Tiffany writes:
It means the Wall Street Journal is sick of McCain’s off-the-cuff, meaningless remarks. McCain has no ideas of his own. He hijacked Obama’s change theme, now he’s trying to hijack his economic plan. His slogan should be “what Obama said”.

Joe from St. Petersburg, Florida writes:
It means someone’s mask is coming off over a month before Halloween, instead of a few hours after Halloween. Thanks to the Wall Street Journal for ringing some bells which hopefully will wake up many voters before November 4, 2008!

John from Fort Collins, Colorado writes:
When the conservative WSJ takes a Republican presidential candidate to the woodshed over his economic comments, he has to be mired pretty deep in the mud. It is unbelievable that any candidate running for president of the United States could be this ill-informed or this poorly-advised.

Jan writes:
That they are not going to be referred to as “My Friends” anytime soon. Lucky them.

Filed under: John McCain

Uche, Harrisburg, PA September 19th, 2008 2:03 pm ET

It means that the maverick cloak is finally wearing off and everyone is seeing McSame for who he really is.

Aaron, Corinth TX September 19th, 2008 2:04 pm ET

It means that they realized that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Hopefuly so will everyone else who votes in November.

Jane M, S.Orange NJ September 19th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

I’ll tell you what that means. The WSJ is a repug publication and if they slam McSame that means Obama might just have it in the bag! Oh happy day!

Karen from Iowa September 19th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

It means McCain is genuinely clueless and the electorate needs to PAY ATTENTION. When your best friends call you out… well… it doesn’t get any more serious than that.

LaVerne E Brison from Los Angeles, Ca. September 19th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Jack: It just shows you that John McCain is trying to say anything and do anything to win. As Barack Obama said a while ago, ” he has lost his bearings.”

Richard, Syracuse, NY September 19th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Senator McCain has repeatedly said to listen to the experts. Well it is now time for us to listen to the experts and dump Senator McCain and his ideas.

Cliff Walker September 19th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

It means that Obama is so many other things he says about McCain

Janet of Illinois September 19th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

It pretty much tells you that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
All I’ve heard him do today is bash Obama. If he’s such an honest
guy, why doesn’t he let Sarah Palin answer questions from the press. He seems to be guarding her like he’s afraid she may say something that he doesn’t want her to. Would she have that much fame if she were an older women that weighed 220 lbs and not too attractive?
What’s he afraid of? I think McCain is completely out of touch on the

Tony Oshodi September 19th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

It means you are out of touch and knew next to nothing on the economy. Like many have said, if obama is white, he would be leading in the polls by 20 points.

Chris - Hemet, Ca. September 19th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

Wow!! The WSJ is a very conservative publication. Sen. McCain must be way off on this one. Sometimes I get the feeling he just can’t remember how he stands on the economy. Pretty scary.

charlene September 19th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

It means he is a big phony and has no clue on what to do except blame Obama and others!!!!!!!!

L. A. Miller September 19th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

It means the sharks smell blood in the water and have turned on each other.

Jon, Seattle September 19th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Well to McCain supporters, this article means the WSJ doesn’t know anything about the economy.

To the rest of us, it reasserts what we’ve known all along. McCain is an old haggard war veteran who has lost touch with what is really going on in America. A sputtering economy doesn’t have much of an affect those who own 7 homes. And instead of addressing the economy (among other things) he’s too busy pandering to the single-issue republican voters and trying to paint Obama as a ____________.

Feel free to fill in the blank (terrorist, left wing whackjob, radical Muslim, elitist, sexist, ageist, liar, etc)

Raymond in Charlotte, NC September 19th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

It means that even rich people are now losing too much money to pretend that McCain will be ok for 4 or 8 years. In Phil Gramm’s eyes I guess that Wall Street is now full of whiners as well!

Charlotte, NC

Optimistic in Canada September 19th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

It means that FUNDAMENTALLY they are on the money! Certainly not McCain.

Christopher, Fort Wayne, IN September 19th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

The Wall Street Journal blasting John McCain doesn’t really tell us anything more than we already know. We already know John McCain can’t make heads or tails of the economy - after all, he said it himself that he doesn’t know as much about it as he should. It just sheds even more light on the fact that a McCain presidency would be extremely detrimental to our economy, with his increased tax cuts to the wealthy and insufficient tax cuts to the middle class. Maybe, just maybe, some of the elites that read the Wall Street Journal will see this and think that maybe a McCain presidency wouldn’t be a good idea after all. But then again, that’s most likely wishful thinking, eh?

Alane in Hudson, Fl September 19th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Unless you make over 5 million dollars per year and own multiple houses, then you already know McCain knows nothing about the economy. I find it interesting (nauseating as well) to listen to him speak about the economy and make the statement that the problems started with Washington insiders and lobbyists and says that Sen. Obama is part of that group. HELLO!!!!! Sen. McCain unless you have forgotten, you have been part of that group much longer than Sen. Obama. I’m old enough to recall the S&L meltdown and the Keating Five, so I think Sen. McCain knows all too well about political influence and the financial industry.

Ray Lawson from Danville, VA September 19th, 2008 2:34 pm ET

Did you notice that the article began by saying that McCain doesn’t understand the economy any better than Obama does? Why didn’t you ask about that?

Joe, Arlington, Virginia September 19th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

I’m sure the Wall St. Journal is exaggerating McCains knowledge of economic issues. After all, he must have learned something at the Naval academy graduating a steller 894 our 899 in 1958.

Maggie Muggins From Selwyn September 19th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

It means Americans should be getting very very concerned about John McCain’s state of mind. I know this is a touchy subject but you are talking about the next leader of the free world and there is just too much at stake in both the U.S. and the world.

Annie, Atlanta September 19th, 2008 2:35 pm ET

It means John McCain doesn’t have a clue. His only plan on the economy so far is to attack Barack Obama. If this John McCain is the same one from 2000, thank God he didn’t win.

Kevin - Austin, TX September 19th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

Hey Gov. Palin,
I found the internet in Alaska. Did you create it?

PEGGY, IN KANSAS ! September 19th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

the same thing it means when anyone slams john - he is not only incompetent ;

but i think he is also displaying some senility ?
agree? forgetting and all ? what is all that ?

Anita of georgia September 19th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

Jack, When the the wall street journal blasts John McCain. It could only mean one thing, he has just put his foot in his mouth. John McCain is so out of touch, when it come to the economy. The thought of him being in charge of getting this country back on track is frighten. I feel with all the lies, he and Sarah Palin has told, will only get worst, if they are elected to run this country. Neither John McCain or Sarah Palin can be trusted. He use to be a man of honor. A man that once people felt the could believe in. Those days has long gone. The straight talk express has just derailed. Obama /Biden 08

just a voter in Kansas September 19th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

That’s obvious. It means McCain is so incompetent that even the Wall Street Journal can’t go along with his stupid, impulsive remarks,
Republican though it be.

Charlie (Bethpage, NY) September 19th, 2008 2:37 pm ET

Honestly Jack, it did not take the Wall Street Journal’s blast of McCain to convince me that this guy is clueless on the economy. His “trickle down” policies don’t work. The only think trickling down will be the sweat on my back from working yet another job to keep up with the bills.

Chris September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

Let’s see, when a nationally known, conservative newspaper blasts the GOP presidential nominee on the #1 issue of the election, it can only mean one thing: BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!

Hendersonville, NC

David September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

McCain is the true wolf in sheep’s clothing and even scaring the good shepards of Wall Street. If he’s elected the pack of wolves that are advising MCain, the same greedy men who created the laws and rules that caused this debacle, will devour more of our personal savings, our retirement funds and our rights.

When a Republican talks like a Democrat, tries to act like a Democrat and says he will bring Democratic style reform, you know he’s just lying to get elected. You can’t take the wolf and turn him into a sheep, and you can’t suddenly think the republicans will get a good heart about money and the common working man.

In the history of the United States, the US economy has suffered during every 8 year republican term and our financial system has fallen out to grave dispare if there is a thrid term. That’s a fact.

Sheryl in Virginia September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

To me it means the WSJ is an intelligent news source.

To the other side, it means the elite, liberal media is unfairly beating up on their guy.

Chris, Olean, NY September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

The Wall Street Journal is about as conservative Republican as you can get, and they fancy themselves financial experts. Evidently, they see Senator McCain as a rank amateur, dare I say incometent, on the economy. First, Chuck Hagel, now this. One wonders how McCain could possibly have the support of 40-some percent of the population. If he should win the White House, I don’t want to hear a peep from anybody who voted for him. Unfortunately, the rest of us will be stuck with him as well.

Really Mad September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

I don’t care about John McCain and the WSJ. Today is the saddest day in American history. I have never been more disappointed in the federal government than I am today. And I’m extremely disappointed that I am now going to have to throw my vote away in November on some third party candidate…assuming there is one who doesn’t support the socilaization of the financial industry. Privatize profits, socilaize risk. Way to go! Maybe Mr. Paulson would be willing to take my debt off my hands, too. Oh no, wait. I’m not rich; therefore, I have to pay my debts.

Murfreesboro, TN

Dan Krivicich, Athens Ohio September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

It simply means that the financial guru’s don’t trust McCain to lead us through this economic nightmare. McCain can’t fire his way through this crisis. He has to show the American people that he can provide leadership…and so far I don’t see John McCain proving leadership in any crisis.

BillieJean in Idaho September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

I hope it means America will wake up and smell the coffee….and with McCain it is burnt coffee. McCain becomes scarier everyday he is on the stump. I wish he would just call it quits and go home. To whichever home he choses, I don’t care as long as he stays there.

Rob Sawyer September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

How can we possibly not elect a person to be a heartbeat away from the presidency who has had her own passport for over a year, she is obviously quite worldly. Please don’t forget she also made executive decisions about a town of 5,000 people,I would love to see some examples of those earthshaking desisions.

Larry, Ohio September 19th, 2008 2:38 pm ET

Jack,it means that the WSJ hasn’t found out or has chosen to ignore the fact that two of Obama’s top advisors were once top people in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle,these two clowns and and the ringmaster Obama were taking money out of the till,while Senator McCain called for better scrutiny over two years ago.McCain was right and Obama was wrong again!!!Case closed!!!!!!

Rchard September 19th, 2008 2:39 pm ET

OK, I understand the need to prevent a total crash. But these temporary patches do nothing to fix the underlying systemic rott within Wall Street. When is our government going to arrest those guilty of these periodic raids on our investiments?

Terry in Hanover County September 19th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

It means that when the committee investigating the Keating 5 found McCain not guilty of corruption but did find him guilty of poor judgment, he should have listened. No one is too old to learn, but McCain is too stubborn to change his ways or even admit he’s wrong. Time for him to exit stage left. He has embarrassed himself and the GOP enough.

David September 19th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

McCain is the true wolf in sheep’s clothing and even scaring the good shepards of Wall Street. If he’s elected the pack of wolves that are advising MCain, the same greedy men who created the laws and rules that caused this debacle, will devour more of our personal savings, our retirement funds and our rights.

When a Republican talks like a Democrat, tries to act like a Democrat and says he will bring Democratic style reform, you know he’s just lying to get elected. You can’t take the wolf and turn him into a sheep, and you can’t suddenly think the republicans will get a good heart about money and the common working man.

In the history of the United States, the US economy has suffered during every time a republican is in the White House and our financial system has fallen out to grave dispare if there is a third term. That’s a fact.
Apollo Beach, FL

Rick Lake Worth FL. September 19th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

It means he should have picked Romney instead of the socialy repressive ultra-secretive hockey mom who, like the market, is rocketing toward the bottom

Rose September 19th, 2008 2:41 pm ET

If I were John McCain I would take it as a compliment, Right now Wall Street has zero credibility


Amy, NY September 19th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

Jack, let’s be fair! Why do you want to blame McCain after he honestly said to the American people that he did not know much about the economy! I mean how do you expect him to use his judgment in a matter he does not understand!

You should blame his lobbyist advisors, because unlike Obama who graduated from an IV league in law, and led major legislations and initiatives to instore more ethics and regulations, McCain doesn’t know where to stand! His past is still haunting him to the point that he can’t always afford to flip-flop! I mean how many times did he flip flop this week!

oliver--Canyon Lake September 19th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

They are 100 percent right. He and Phil Graham are mostly to blame for this mess. Phil Graham ushered in deregulation of the banking industry and now he is McCain’s principle economic advisor. Today he started playing “blame it on Obama for this mess again.” What a liar!

ajks September 19th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

He REALLY does not know much about the economy!

rene oh September 19th, 2008 2:42 pm ET

it means john mccsame doesn’t get it, no how, no way, no mcsame/oalin

Carol from Minnesota September 19th, 2008 2:43 pm ET

It means that maybe the WSJ is going to stop being the propaganda arm for the GOP. Life long Repub de-regulartors like McCain have to be called out and held responsible. When the Repubs in Congress ripped up the rule books in 1999 - McCain was in the Senate and voted for it. Regan, Bush 41 and Bush 43. Everytime there’s a Repub in the White House we get financial corruption, unemployment and Federal taxpayer bail outs. Thanks to “W” and the Repubs, this country is already $9.5-Trillion in debt. We’re broke and it’s McCain and the Repubs that broke it.

Ken @ Charlotte September 19th, 2008 2:43 pm ET


It means that Wall Street knows they are roundly despised for this current financial mess and are trying to help John McCain by attacking him. Think about it!

Amy, NY September 19th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

Jack, what scares me with John McCain is not just that he doesn’t understand the economics it is his extreme positions! He tries to appeal to people and ends up forgetting what he is supposed to stand for! He did the same thing with Georgia saying “we were all Georgians”! I am not Georgian! And a president needs to have a better temperament and not just trying to come up with the toughest line or loudest attack. A president should show more wisdom.

Nora Corpus Christi Texas September 19th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

It means the line forms to the right, left, anyway you look at it this man knows nothing about the inner workings of the economy. Jack, tell me one thing, if you or I acted this confused at our job our during an interview for a job we wanted, we would of been sent home packing long ago. Why is the country turning a blind eye and ear to this, now I am the one who is confused.

Darcy - Arkansas September 19th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

The WSJ editorial board says McCain “took his populist riffing up a notch and found his scapegoat for financial panic” in calling for Cox’s termination. The “assault on Mr. Cox is both false and deeply unfair. It’s also un-Presidential.” McCain is giving “easy, misleading answers that will do nothing to help,” and he sounds “like a candidate searching for a political foil rather than a genuine solution.”
It means they have a grasp on the depth of McCain’s knowledge regarding this meltdown. Grab someone, place blame and distance yourself then appoint a committee to study the matter for the next four years.

Bill, Quarryville, Pennsylvania September 19th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

I think it means that Mccain doesn’t really know that much about the economy. He has been flip flopping all over the place. First he disagreed with bailing out ANG and then agreed that they should have been bailed out. Then he says the president should fire Christopher Cox in charge of the SEC. Which the president cannot do. He should have known this. At this time we need a person who knows what he is talking about especially when it comes to the economy.

Matt in Las Vegas, NV September 19th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

It means that at least one newspaper is paying attention to the facts. McCain has nothing to offer on the Economy. I dare anyone to give me 1 solid idea floated by McCain to address the economy? Fire Cox, drop taxes on the rich? Those are jokes, not ideas.

David, Tampa, Fl September 19th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Why should the WSJ blast someone that admitedly knows less about the economy than someone like me. They should be blasting our economic leadership as well as our political leaders, both Republican and Democrat. These two parties have been in power for the last century and a half and periodically drive the country into an economic tailspin and try to blame it on everybody but themselves. One segment of the economy I would like to see crash and burn is the symbiotic arrangement between business and elected officials.

Christine from El Paso Tx September 19th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Jack, It pry means that smart people understand that McCain has NO CLUE on the economy and still needs to take the course: US economy 101, I hear his gal Palin is having to take Many crash courses like that. So why not give him one as well?

richard, Utah September 19th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

First of all, John McCain said it himself “I really don’t know anything about the economy.” And ” the Economy is strong.” McCain is so out of touch of what everyday Americans want and go through. He puts down Lobbiest, but has them working his campaigne. Are they doing that for free or for something later? I am 58, white, retired US Army and have always voted Republican until this years. 4 more years of the same, vote for McCain. The real change is in Obama. I am part of his movement.

La Legione di Resistenza September 19th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

Its sad when a political candidate thinks he can attack the financial foundations of this world, let alone the United States of America. McCain speaks about the greed of Wall Street and how he wants to be an end to the fat pockets of CEOS. Will McCain strip Cindy McCain of her large financial success and greed? Probably not. In addition, John McCain is trying to pretend as though, he is has never contributed the greed of Wall Street. Will he public display his financial wins on Wall street? The truth is, McCain talks a good game, sorry tough guy, you don’t know what is like to loose your job and your house, sorry houses!

Phoneix, Arizona

Scott in Oregon. September 19th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

When McCain made that fateful statement last Monday about the fundamentals of the economy being strong, many believed it would go down in history as the moment he lost this election. The Wallstreet Journal article is only the first echo of many more to come that will confirm this. This is the end of McCain’s final shot at the Whitehouse. Fanatical Republicans will fight tooth and nail until November, but to no avail. Palin was over last week and now McCain is over too.

louie from Buffalo, NY September 19th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

It means that the people who CLAIM to love America shold set aside theie prejudices and selfish concerns. We need real change in this country. Barack Obama is the only canadate who will give us change. Won’t vote for him because he’s black? Shamefull!!

C. Farrell, Houston, Tx September 19th, 2008 2:46 pm ET

What it means to John McCain is that he’ll have to “flip flop” his way out of this one and Palin can’t help him.

Mickie in Philadelphia, PA September 19th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

It means they looked into his eyes and saw his soul!

JD in NC September 19th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Hopefully it means he can no rely on his military service lending credibility to all the distortions, falsehoods, and reversals he has been issuing.

Carl d. in Illinois September 19th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

when Wall Street blasted McCain it means that they understand him just like most of the middle class people do, that he is out of touch with the economic reality.

Marie September 19th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

It means they understand he doesn’t know anything about the economy. Instead of doing a little research and thinking things through, he calls for the firing of the SEC Chair. He should fire himself for all the deregulation. Then, he puts down Obama for having a meeting with experts on the economy before he makes his statement. Now, what kind of President do you want? One that just says anything off the top of his head or one who thinks things through first. McCain has shown his true self all week long! His running mate isn’t any better. She left her little town in Alaska deep in debt!

Mike Nix Hughes Springs, Texas September 19th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

It means once again the pot is calling the kettle balck! We all have to look deep inside and face up to what we have done as a Nation. Just look to us Texans— We elected George W. as Govenor before he brought his sideshow to Washington. What does that say about us as a State and Americans. I’d bet Herbert Hoover finally has a smile on his face.

Cynthia; Wesson, Mississippi September 19th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

Considering McCain’s comments and knowledge regarding the economy, they better not be just AFRAID, but VERY AFRAID.

Jane - WI September 19th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

I don’t think you usually put too much stock in what the Wall Street Journal says, Jack. They have written many editorials telling us about the dangers of Barack Obama’s plans. So I guess if you think it’s important that the Wall Street Journal “slams” JOHn McCain, it also must be relevant that they slam Barack Obama and his proposals a lot more often.

Leonard Karle September 19th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

Please ask both presidential candidates if they plan to pardon Bush and Cheney for any crimes commited during their administration.

Conor in Chicago September 19th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

That it’s a conpiracy in the liberal left media to derail McCain’s campaign so that they can fulfill their dreams of turning America into Soviet Russia, let the terrorists take over America, perform abortions for fun, allow gays to preach at high schools, burn Bibles wrapped in American Flags, and whatever other non-sense these people talk about when they are alone and the cameras are off.

Amanda September 19th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

It means what many of us have seen for a while now - John doesn’t know Jack about the economy!

Dave September 19th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

It’s simple, they know it will get worse if John McCain takes office because he knows nothing about economics. The man said so himself.

Gregg September 19th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

It means Jack , that the WSJ realises the plan that John McCain has set forth will bring America to ruins, and they also see McCain flip-flopping on his economics in the past week only proves he has no idea what he is doing or saying on economics, i cannit vote for someone who just * doesnt get it * ill be voting Obama in Nov.

Jerry, Silver Spring, MD September 19th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

Absolutely nothing.

Sharon September 19th, 2008 2:50 pm ET

It speaks VOLUMES!…….especially in view of who owns The Wall Street Journal!

Richard Sternagel September 19th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

It means the “old boys”are upset with him! This is surprising since McCain served as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee for six years. One would think that McCain should have brought oversight to Wall Street and/or the SEC and avoided the current economic disaster we now face.

DScott in Seattle September 19th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

When a staunchly conservative publication like the WSJ points out just how poor McCain’s judgment is, the party’s over. His support is dwindling and by the time November 4th rolls around, the only people voting for the GOP ticket will be those who would rather die than vote democrat.

Larry - Santa Monica, CA September 19th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Frankly, the WSJ editorial looked like it was out to protect a crony and nothing more. Keep in mind that John McCain is running as the champion of the small town values that the Bush administration has ridden rough-shod over. If John McCain is to win he needs the vote of whites of modest means who can’t see a non-white occupant of the White House, never, not ever. Those people have been hurt as much by the financial industry’s gamblers’ greed as anyone else.

John September 19th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

Jack: It means that the Wall Street Journal knows what everyone else in America knows. John McCain has no economic sense, or is no sense at all.


Nicole, San Clemente, CA September 19th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

It means the Journal is being run by intelligent people and recognize that if McCain is elected, our economy will not improve much, if at all. McCain is just another Bush hidden under his POW cloak. Lipstick on a pig, indeed.

vern-anaheim,ca September 19th, 2008 2:54 pm ET

the wall street journal is a business paper who follows the economy closely and they know john mccain doesn’t have any knowledge about the economy and neither does his running mate gov.palin

Jay in Texas September 19th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

It means the Senator McCain, a long-time member of Congress, is as responsible as anyone for the economic collapse by not doing his job as a senator.
Brownwood, Texas

Lucy from Connecticut September 19th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

Compare WSJ slamming McCain on the economy like the NY Times slamming Obama on everything…but the latter’s not gonna happen, ever. Just proves McCain has absolutely no idea what he is doing when it comes to economic issues and his conservative friends at the WSJ have stated this publicly.

Ted, Beaverton, OR September 19th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

It means the Senator has been a naughty boy and he is getting a verbal spanking from the Wall St. Journal, I’m not sure if it’s for telling fibs, or if it’s because he can’t figure out from one day to the next where he stands. All this economy stuff is probably taking his temper suppression system to a melting point. He needs some time off, he is taking this election thing entirely too seriously. I think he has even taken to believing his own press releases.

Marcel September 19th, 2008 2:56 pm ET

Hi Jack, Since Senator McCain knows nothing about the economy, Wall Street should be very scared of him. Have a good day Jack

Rubin from WashU September 19th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

How dare they attack McCain on his lack of economic prowess! For five years, as a POW, he wasn’t even allowed to look at stock prices! Rupert Murdoch is such an evil liberal.

Maureen / CA September 19th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

This means that John McCain was correct for the first time. He was correct when he said that he knows little about the economy. McCain’s reaction to this terrible melt down just reinforced his ignorance.

ANGIE IN PA September 19th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

Hopefully It means people will come to their senses and see what palin/mccain are all about. one word Jack CLULESS and hopefully some people will wake up and see that Mr Dumb and Mrs Dumber are not what this country needs!

Robert September 19th, 2008 2:58 pm ET


It means that maybe, just maybe, the republicans are not as united as they would like us to believe. The only reason conservatives support McCain is because he picked Palin as his running mate. They have never really liked him and I think the WSJ article proves the point. And given what’s happened in the economy this week, he himself may be having buyer’s remorse for not picking Mitt Romney to be his VP candidate.

North Port, FL

James from Virginia September 19th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

It means he has no sense when it comes to running this country. He should just retire and go home to Arizona or where ever his 7 or 8 houses are. He is a pathetic candidate for his party but then again look at what they offered… good candidates!

dennis hunter September 19th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

It means that John McCain is not in touch with wall street or main street. It is almost like he is on a boat on a stormy sea, flip flopping fo from wave to wave with no direction in place so he will never reach land.

Daryl September 19th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

It tells me McCain is on my side. What does Wallstreet know about whats happening in Middle America? A better question is: What does it mean when Donald Trump endorses McCain as President and says he is the man who can turn this Country around and make sound economic decisions? He said that on your CNN! Check the facts!

Tom in Desoto, Tx September 19th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

By McCain’s own admission he knows nothing about economics, he just wants to be in charge of it. If the above makes any sense to you, you deserve McCain.

Dick B September 19th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

It probably means McCain is on the right track.

Howard M. Bolingbrook IL September 19th, 2008 3:00 pm ET

The WSJ is simply telling the truth. One of the cornerstones of this financial crisis has been caused by a lack of oversight and deregulation over 12 years of Republican reign in Washington. John McCain voted in a manner to support that those positions. Now it’s time to pay the piper.

Dave, Brooklyn, NY September 19th, 2008 3:01 pm ET

It means is that they finally figured out what most of us knew for months; McSame was right when claimed ignorance of economics, the ONLY thing he is right about.

Bob from traverse city Michigan September 19th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

I believe It means the Wall Street Journal, the preeminent economic journal blames the republican’s for this financial 911 and their blasting John McCain because he is now the face of his party. It goes beyond McCain and Bush however. What we are seeing now is the other shoe dropping from President Reagen’s survival of the richest, trickle down theory of economics. The Enron collapse, the dot com. crises, and the death of the union movement ( and the middle class) are all gifts from the republican conservative movement and this inpending election is the working man’s chance to thank them all for every thing they have done!!! To us!!

Don Pennsylvania September 19th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

It means finally his free pass is over and know we can be told the truth about his lies and missteps. It is ironic after the keating 5 scandal he used the media to get back in good graces with the American people. Now we are in another market crises and it his coming home to haunt him.

John from Rohnert Park, CA September 19th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

Jack, it means even the wealthy Wall Street white collar folks know that a fellow wealthy white collar person like McCain would be a very poor choice to run anything in this country . . . especially things having to do with money.

Willow, Sheldon Iowa September 19th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

It probably just means that after McCain’s comments about the greed and corruption of the big investors, those big investors are wanting to get rid of him.

Everybody knows that economics is not his strong point. And his side kick got a D in macroeconomics in college. Between the two of them, they couldn’t run a convenience store.

June September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

Not a damn thing.

Dave from Marietta, GA September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

It means the Wall Streets knows he can’t count anything. Remember he does not know how many houses he owns?

Russ in PA September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

Pot calling the kettle black? McCain is vapid, and Wall Street is criminal…

Tony from Torrington September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

The Wall Street Journal blasts John McCain for blaming Wall Street. Did you think they would agree with him? After all, he’s blasting THEM! He’s right on. In fact, he was right 2 years ago when he called for more oversight of Fannie and Freddie. No one listened then, and they won’t listen now, unless he is elected President and things finally get done. Remember it’s a Democrat majority congress, and Barney Frank (D) is the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee.

Nancy From Florida September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

It means that John McCain does not have a clue about how to solve the real problems facing people in this country. I believe the WSJ characterized McCain’s responses as “unPresidential.”

In contrast, I watched the last part of Senator Obama’s press conference today and I would characterize him as being very “Presidential.”

mark September 19th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

Bush had to admit what a TOTAL Disaster he’s been on the Economy, and sounded like Whimpy saying, ” I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”
Bush also doesn’t hold the country’s purse strings, so he has to go along with the remedies CONGRESS insists upon.
McCain seems to be beligerant squared and playing the Rovian game of trying to win the NEWS cycle with railing against Obama.
Obama is steady today answering questions and reasuring the Market…THAT’S LEADERSHIP.

Diane, Barneveld, NY September 19th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

It means McCain flunked Economics 101 and the WSJ is just pointing it out.

Ol' Doc in Arlington Texas September 19th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

it means McCain is so clueless about the economy. When even a right wing nut job like Rupert Murdock thinks McCain is so dangerous that shouldn’t be President, that’s a pretty strong recommendation for Obama.


Patricia F Pine Plains NY September 19th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

The WSJ may know a thing or two about the economy, but McCain only knows about himself and his wealthy friends’ economics. Remember the Keating Five? He’s just as guilty for this meltdown as Bush is. Anything to get over on the taxpayers of this country. I’m not sure he’s a dumb as he plays.

wally Ruehmann las vegas nv September 19th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

i said it before and i’ll say it again, without Lieberman beside him to guide him he’s screwed .i’ll say it this way today and if that doesn’t work i’ll do a 180 tomorrow. now with playing in Lieberman’s place on stage, all she does is look like a deer in headlights. she’ll be back in the minor leagues soon. and McCain will be walking his pigme pony back to arizona.

Fred T. Ogden, UT September 19th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

Tansparency… HAH!! John, That is exactly what we need, buddy. All of my hard to work to avoid taking out loans I connot afford sure has paid off. Happy to help you eliitists pay for your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh home. Happy to do it! love you guys!!

Steve, Casper WY September 19th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Pretty sad if a Republican can’t get Rupert to shill for you.

John Bickerstaff, Jr. September 19th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

John McCain included a comment this morning that insurance covered unknown risks. He must be talking about some very speculative insurance coverage that only the very rich would know about since insurance coverage most of us might be familiar with would only cover known risks. One more example of why he keeps proving he has no clue about the economy.

John in Bloomington, IL

Marjorie Lominy September 19th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

I will get back to you Jack after I am done jumping up and down….WSJ and then Obama looking so presidential today at the presser…I cannot stop screaming for joy.
McCain goose is so cooked.

Joe, San Diego September 19th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

It means McCain will soon stop talking about the economy, and get back to the sequel of smear, fearmongering and negative ads.

hubielee68 MS September 19th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

Its just as Sen. Obama say all the time, McInsane just don’t get.
McInsane is completely lost about whats going on in our country.

Byhalia, MS

Lynn, frustrated Republican September 19th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

It says McCain wasn’t lying when he said that he didn’t know anything about economics.

Doug - Dallas September 19th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

It means that the truth is finally being printed and the shell is cracked.

Perry September 19th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

It means that McCain’s handlers can’t keep the befuddled and confused McCain propped up to appear even palatable to the faithful

Amanda from Arkansas September 19th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

It means that we will have to endure another round of whining from John McCain about the media treating him and Palin unfairly. Cue the violins.

MW / California September 19th, 2008 3:10 pm ET

This means that John McCain was correct for the first time. He was correct when he said that he knows little about the economy. McCain’s reaction to this terrible melt down just reinforces his ignorance.

Andrew, Brier WA September 19th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

Jack, I don’t think it’s particularly surprising. The WSJ must be horrified at McCain born-again regulatory zeal.

They shouldn’t worry so much. If McCain is elected, he’ll immediately revert to the anti-regulatory policies that got us into this huge mess in the first place.

McCain knows who his friends are, and they ain’t the common people.

Joe in Clinton, Ma. September 19th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

It means he doesn’t know squat about the economy and his plan
stinks. What else could it mean?

Michael Lungstrom September 19th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

Hmm. Is the WSJ infallible? Oh I guess the me first crowd has finally decided there is some merit in the Wall Street Journal.

Dina S., Ashland VA September 19th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

It says they’ve got some nerve!! They were right there praising every deregulating minute. Funny how there’s NO SELF REFLECTION from any of these business people.

McCain/Palin September 19th, 2008 3:11 pm ET

NOTHING !!!!!!

*CW* September 19th, 2008 3:13 pm ET

It means i will be sending the Obama campaign another $50 this week…

FernieMac September 19th, 2008 3:15 pm ET

It means that we cannot trust this republican ticket if the republican outlets don’t like what they see.
Mc Cain Palin idea of fixing this mess is apply more lipstick to deregulation.

Pat, Greenville, Ohio September 19th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

It means it is a very good day, if your name is Barack Obama.

Anna - New Mexico September 19th, 2008 3:16 pm ET

It means McCain’s an absolute idiot and the traditional Republican backers (i.e., Wall Street Journal) don’t care who knows about it!

John Mackey September 19th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

The WSJ is just saying what the rest of us already know.,and to think this is a republican paper. Just goes to show where McSame and Co.stand in the GOP.

Sergio Ortega September 19th, 2008 3:17 pm ET


It means the adults in the Republican Party are finally coming to their senses. They see the handwriting on the wall, the know they stand to lose even more money if the markets are not properly regulated and they realize McCain-Palin threaten their interests in the long run. They cannot afford four more years of Bush policies.

Bill-Tampa September 19th, 2008 3:17 pm ET

Jack, It means FIVE things.

Jesse Lewis Jr September 19th, 2008 3:18 pm ET

It means that McCain knows nothing about the economy!! His idea of an economic plan is to meet and marry a rich beer baroness!!!

Marty September 19th, 2008 3:18 pm ET

It means that traditional republican organizations are trying to separate themselves from McCain just as McCain is trying to separate himself from Bush.

The only question that leaves is “why?” My guess is because they are smart enough to look down the tracks and see the trainwreck coming.

odessa ohio September 19th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

it means that the fake maverick doesn’t care about nobody but himself..think about the keating five days..mccain doesn’t get it about the economy,healthcare, education etc..his career is only building upon rich folks instead of the working class. he confuses the fec with the sec..the old maverick doesn’t get the real day he try to be barry goldwater, the next day he’s dennis kunich-like he really cares for the little guys..give me a break..

DAK from MT September 19th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

Nothing Jack,
If you read up on most economy articles, there appears to be a clear concensus that NEITHER has a real plan on the economy and that as President will probably not be able to do much on the current crisis anyway. As far as the WSJ article, I don’t always believe EVERYTHING I read. I just take it into consideration.
And, both parties should get EQUAL blame on this issue. The Bush Administration and the Democratically-lead Congress missed all the signs, and in some cases, attempted to prevent any investigation and regulation.
The American voter needs to remove them all.

Phil September 19th, 2008 3:19 pm ET

Sarah Palin got a D in economics. What does that tell you??

Louis, Los Angeles September 19th, 2008 3:21 pm ET

It’s bad enough McCain doesn’t know the difference from the Spanish PM from the Mexican President but the economy? Come on! It’s part of the job requirement for the position of cheif executive to know something about economics. Or was he planning to have use the military to solve his problems for that too? Oh Jeeze!

Obama 08!

John, Fort Collins, CO September 19th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

When the conservative WSJ takes a Republican presidential candidate to the woodshed over his economic comments, he has to be mired pretty deep in the mud. It is unbelievable that any candidate running for president of the United States could be this ill informed or this poorly advised.

william fitzwater September 19th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

What it means is they know what they are talking about.

Chris Ocean Grove MA September 19th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

It means the red states should spend more money on education because they are REALLY stupid

Ryan-Galesburg, IL September 19th, 2008 3:23 pm ET

It means that Rupert Murdoch didn’t clean house as thouroughly as he thought. Or, that some truths cannot be spun into the usual republican propaganda we’ve become so used to.

Mk September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

This financial situation does not have a military solution.
McCain doesn’t know any other way to do things other than to engage is some sort of fight.
He just isn’t the right person to be president.
Not to mention he appears more and more unsure of himself and even a little befuddled. It almost seems as though he isn’t well.
Could these be something the campaign is trying to hide?

PeggyT. In Missouri September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

John McCain doesn’t have the smarts to run the country.
But, I didn’t need them to tell me that, it was pretty plain when he made the statement that things were great with the economy while it was going in the toilet. He’s voted with Bush by his own admission 90% of the time - he has 7 homes - he didn’t claim to know how many homes he had. Then he & others have the nerve to call Obama an eletist. John McCain just doesn’t have what it takes to handle the economics of this country. Let alone the other issues

Gina from Ohio September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

The last paragraph sums it up on McCain “In a crisis, voters want steady, calm leadership, not easy, misleading answers that will do nothing to help.” McCains temperment leads leaves him looking like a barking old man who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Mary Johnson September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

“Don know much about reality…. Don know much about economy
Don know much about geography Don know much about honesty….. you get my meaning… Poor Old John is SOL …
Mary from Sarasota, FL

K.A.E. September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

It means this: when a man says he does not know much about the economy, then he does not know much about the economy. If he is elected, we will all look back at this fact and be angry with ourselves while we still deal with the same bad economy.

Harold from Anchorage, AK September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

Sounds like John McCain is shooting from the hip,just like George W.Bush. Simplistic solutions for complex problems. A fourth grade view of the government and world affairs may appeal to some,but not to us.

Ron, Centennial, Colorado September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

Nero fiddles again.

Sky in Seattle September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

It means they want people to know that they are scared to death this guy could win. They want people to know that being president is actually an important job….where you should have a modicum of intelligence to attempt it. That when a person says something stupid….people should know about it….especially a person who wants to represent us on the world stage. This is what I think JAck…..I think anyone who is considering voting for McCain and Palin should watch the lovely little movie “Matilda” first…and then ask themselves….do I really want Matilda’s parents to be president and vice president?

Pam in Long Beach September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

It tells us the McCain/Palin (Palin/McCain) are not who we want in charge of our governemnt. McCain responds to the situation by making wild statements (including firing someon the President has no authority to fire) and pointing fingers.

Obama has taken a more resasonable position: The situation is complicated, lets get the facts, and then make recommendations.

The McCain/Palin response here can/would be the same to any situation and could lead to more war.

Susan from Georgia September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm ET

John McCain fundamentals are not strong. To suggest they are is to treat us as though we are buffoons. He has yet to point out his strategy to fix the economy other than commissions and the MFI that he wants to create! Not fit to lead this country, not now, not ever!

NEVER OBAMA September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

Ha, the lousy WSJ is just trying to cover their own butt.

Ryan from Ohio September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

It shows how out of touch McSame/Palin really are! To solve this crisis he wants deregulation?! That is what got us into this mess! I do not know who could possibly vote republican in this election.

Obama / Biden ‘08

taylor richmond virginia September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

that for once the Wall Street Journal is right about something?

Billy September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

It means that McCain is in deep sh!t.

JUAN C AR LOS September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

J A C K———–Y O U’ R E———-D R I N K I N G—–T O O——-M U C H

Derek in Seattle September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

Thank you, Jack. It’s amazing how blind his supporters are.

Ron, Ontario, Canada September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

Well watching todays comments on the U.S. governments action on the economy from Obama and McCain. It was very telling who sounded and was acting with leadership. It was Obama very clearly. Senator Obama obviously had taken the time to consult with advisors, rather than just hastly throw out more rhetoric. McCain loves to throw blame, but has no substance. Obama showed himself as a leader and was presidential. Remember the Keating 5 if you want to know about McCain’s work with banking.

Victoria Anderson Seattle, Washington September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET

My Friends, John McCain just doesn’t get it.
Going to Harvard paid off for Mr. Obama. And when you graduate 894th out of 899th in your class, that’s a sign that somebody should have continue to future their education before going into politics. That shows somebody was either day dreaming in class all day or they got by because they were priviledge. It must be nice!

JASON FROM LOS ANGELES,CA September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET


Dave in OC, Vets for Obama September 19th, 2008 3:31 pm ET


Also no intellect, no scruples, and no honor.

Gulf War Veterans for Obama!

Angie from Virginia September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

Hi Jack,
I’m mad as hell! Instead of talking about the financial crisis this morning, John McBush, blasts Obama and blames him for the problems that are occurring. How dumb is that? Anybody with half a brain knows that Barack didn’t cause this problem. First, he should try blaming a lot of his Republican cronies who have raped our country and then lay blame on the American people because while they pillaged and raped the guard dogs who were supposed to be watching looked the other way and getting rich at the same time. He must think all Americans are stupid.

Vinnie Vino September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET


What the Wall Street Journal is telling the country is a win by McSame will mean the status-quo for the world economy, if you liked President Bush’s economy you’ll love John McCain’s economy…

C.I., New York

Sean, Atlanta, GA September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

Jack, it means people are actually beginning to see: the emporer has no clothes. His list of reputable support is disappearing like ‘Dubya’ during a national crisis.

John Pittsburgh September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

it means wake up Aperica even the Wall Street Journal slamed Mcain on the economy

Angelo Workings Simi Valley, CA September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

It means that John McCain is an empty suit. This man hasn’t had an original thought in years. He is so totally out of his element that he’s unable to appear on stage before a crowd without some type of prop. If you notice, Obama almost always stands alone before the people to deliver his speech. McCain, on the other hand, always seems to need his wife or Palin at his side before he can do anything. To me that shows a lack of self-confidence and leadership. If he were truly the so-called “war hero” he pretends to be, you would think that he would at least have the courage to stand before the crowd by himself and express what’s on his mind.

Donna, SC September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

It means the economy is in much worse shape than they’re telling us, Jack.

Mike Dallas TX September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET


It means McCain has “fundamentally” allowed the republican base, to “have their way with him” bilblically, speaking

Dave Waterfall September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

Dave from Prospect Bay Nova Scotia writes;
It means grab a bucket and start baling.
McCain should follow the proverb: “Ensure brain is engaged before operating mouth”

Ol' Doc in Arlington Texas September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

When even a right wing nut job like Rupert Murdoch thinks McCain doesn’t know what he’s doing, it’s time to vote for the Democrat.

Terry September 19th, 2008 3:32 pm ET

He is out of tough with the economy and reality. After 25 years of trickle down economics we have seen what they really mean profits pour up debt trickles down. enough said!

Pat,Lexington, Ky. September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Whether McCain knows much about the economy or not, his comments are further proof that he is reckless in his assessments of situations. And he honestly doesn’t seem to “get it” about a number of things. Did you hear what he said about Spain?? He didn’t know what country the interviewer was talking about!
McCain is so NOT the person we need as our President. It’s good that the WSJ has spotted this and hopefully other respected publications will soon indicate that they agree.

Dan from Kitchener September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

It means the McCain campaign have now changed their theme song from bomb bomb bomb Iran to Dumb Dumb Dee Deedle Dee Dumb OH YEAH!

Bruce St Paul MN September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

It means rivers are running north, pigs are wearing lipstick, and the Cubs will win the series. Or maybe it means the Journal is not always a cheerleader for the right. Maybe they’ve had enoough, too.

Chipster September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Poor McCain, the Republican Party seems to have just used him as the sacrificial lamb in this election cycle. I truly suspect the he ended up with Palin because everyone else turned him down.

It’s really obvious now that his maverick label originated from the fact that he has no skills for reaching consensus so confrontation was the only skill he could use. He isn’t bright at all.

Ana September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Jack, can you be anymore of a partisan hack. You are disgrace to all those good investigative journalist that came before you.

Scott from NYC September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Now that Wall Street is in trouble they need Obama to stable the situation and they know it. McCain I wouldn’t pack my bags if I were U.

Denise September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

It means that McCain is severly challenged in this area. It means that we must look at his other policy areas to see if he is as “experienced” as the myth about him suggests. After all, we don’t want to elect another idiot for a President and a 1/8″ deep VP, who has no clue about these things.


Bob September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Wall Street Journal’s slamming of McCain means that the senator has lost any credibility to lead the country. McCain is one of the “Keating Five” who received personal vacation trips to the Bahamas and over $100K in campaign contributions in the 1980s to cover for a bank swindler, Charles Keating. McCain’s wife and her father had invested in a Keating shopping center and made over $15M. The Keating Five opened the door to banking corruption. In the Senate, McCain has enthusiastically supported the key legislation that de-regulated the mortgage industry. This past May, he voted against repealing the “Enron Loophole”. Now he rants against Wall Street greed, the SEC, and anyone else he can use as a scapegoat. Methinks he doth protest too much!

St. Louis, MO

Louise L.Gallone September 19th, 2008 3:33 pm ET

Jack, We have already had eight years of a president who flunked college, Hiring McCain as our next president, would only continue a series of presidents wiTh phony degrees!! We deserve better.

Louise IN

sam, Bryan, tx September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

Jack, if we
get McCain and Bush with a skirt in there this country hasn`t got a chance. After the last 8 years how can anyone with kids and grandchildren vote again for stupid. The old sure he`s stupid but he will have smart people around him just won`t cut it. We learned with Bush that doesn`t work given the complexity of problems facing this country.
Considering people hiding e-mails and lack of basic understanding of the geography of this planet for the highest office in this land is just insane. At best it would truly be more of the same 8 years.

Lynda September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

John McCain has already acknowledged that the economy is NOT his strong suit. For the good of the country, he needs to step down and step back and let the Dems do what they do best and clean up the mess that the Republicans historically make (i.e., Hoover (R) vs. FDR (D).

The Wall Street Journal is well a respected financial document. And if they see, recognize and say that John McCain is out of his league, than we need to recognize their wisdom and elect Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United Sttes. Too bad, he can’t run for more than two terms, I have a feeling that it’s going to take more than 8 years to clean up the mess that George W. has gotten us into.


Linda in Florida September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

Jack, I feel the same as Marjorie from NY, but then reality settles in when I remember that some voters in this country voted GW Bush into office twice. Oh wait! It was just once, he stole the other election!

just me September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

The truth really hurts doesn’t it?! Will the voters sit up and notice the ineptitude of the republican ticket? One can only hope.

Chris, Denver September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

It means that the Palin/McCain ticket is toast.

Bill - North Carolina September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

They can tell the difference between fact and fiction; and so far, the McBush and Sarah Plain campaign has been about fiction.

Michelle, St. Louis,MO September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

It means he listened to Bill O’Reilly yesterday because he said the same thing about Cox on his radio program yesterday—STUPID

Dorian in NC September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

Simple….that he completely lacks the judgment to be president; and unfortunately, fly a plane for that matter.

Shafi Alam September 19th, 2008 3:34 pm ET

John McCain does not ever blame the Iraq war for the bad economy and consequent Wall Street problems. If hundreds of billions of dollars drained out for the war was spent wisely, it could make the economy much better and Wall Street problems wound not have happened. People working for the Wall Street Journal know that McCain tries to find easy answer and not the real one for his own convenience. American people also know this and Barack Obama is getting boost in the polls.

Shafi Alam
Tokyo, Japan

Trina, Wisconsin September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

I have a new slogan for the McCain and Palin ticket, and I am sure they will win on it…

“McCain -Palin” We will build that bridge to nowhere!

And this time it will be true……

Lin, CA September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

McCain never understand about economy. He is still very confused. He and Palin never have had any plan for American people. They are just themselves first. It shows we need some one who is intelligent to lead country. Obama/Biden is right choice we have now!

s buczak September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

it means president obama

Ed from Durango, Colorado September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

To me it is the pot calling the kettle black. Wall street is a den of greed heads and mcsame hasn’t a clue.

FedUp w/Libs September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

Jack, how much money does the Obama campaign send you each month?

Ken September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

The really funny thing is that, in the end, the WSJ will support McCain for president. The WSJ is run by some of the smarter [R]s, and they are embarrassed by McCain’s public and obvious display of stupidity. But in the end, they are [R] partisan hacks, and even the smarter true-believers are nevertheless dumber than your average bear, and they will actually decide to support 4 more years of this failure.

NEVER OBAMA September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

I am constantly amazed at just how stupid about 50% of the American public is. The stuff that comes out of their mouth when the brain is disengaged.
Didn’t you people ever go to school. Do you not understand how our government works. All you can do is run off at the mouth and you don’t know jack s— about what you’re saying.

Reg from Florida September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET


What do you expect from someone who is clueless when it comes o the economy. He does not seem to know which agency does what, confusing FEC for SEC. The man is out of his mind and his age starts to show. He wants to be president so bad that he is willing throw anyone under the bus including his mother.; Cindy does not stand a chance. The day before it was carly, yesterday it was Cox, who’s next. President bush i suppose.

Joe St Louis, MO September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET


I do agree with the news story but should we consider anything the Wall Street crowds have to say. It is time to listen for someone who takes time to consider the lowly tax payers in a situation like this and stays on their original message. Mccain cant seem to stay on anything for more than two days. America we need to pay attention and vote for intelligence rather than propaganda. The Mccain camp and Wall Street are playing all of us for fools.

Cam September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

It proves that my mother was right: B.S. can get you to the top but it can`t keep you there. Scum really does rise to the top in the Republican Party…..If even in this bizarre soap opera that this election has become, someone in the media is willing to put America first ahead of all this partisan B.S., then it is good for the American people. Remember, the ones who this election SHOULD be about.

Tom from Boston, Mass. September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

If the ultimate conservative, capitalist, right-wing bastion of journalism that is The Wall Street Journal blasts a Republican candidate, then the writing is clearly on the proverbial wall. Given the economic disaster that we are now in, this “September surprise” surely must have the conservative base wishing that they had nominated Mitt Romney after all. Obama just has to stay on the attack versus McCain’s ignorance of economics and pound home the need to get rid of the current powers that be and he should win despite the racists that no one wants to talk about.

Jes (State College, PA) September 19th, 2008 3:35 pm ET

Well if he doesn’t win the election he can always audition for The Apprentice. He has Donald Trumps support.

Michelle-Florida September 19th, 2008 3:36 pm ET

It means that they finally realize what many of us have known for a long time. He’s clueless.

nancy from cape girardeau, mo September 19th, 2008 3:38 pm ET

it means more of the uncovered truth about McSame is coming out.

Mark Dallas TX September 19th, 2008 3:39 pm ET


It means McCain’s single functioning brain cell is now on a respirator which is all that is separating him from just the involuntary body functions controlled by the brain stem!

Kelin Mark September 19th, 2008 3:39 pm ET

The WSJ is just now finding out what we already knew….McCain has no clue about the economhy, he told us that himself, and people need to realize that soon before each of us will need bailing out by the government.

james samuels September 19th, 2008 3:39 pm ET

The american people, when given a fair chance, will always make the best decission for themselves, which often times also benefits the rest of the world.
Substance and intellect will always outshine fluff. The american people know the difference.

Darren - Kansas September 19th, 2008 3:40 pm ET

McCain said he would fire the SEC chairman, when actually, a president doesn’t have the authority to do so. He said the “fundamentals of the economy are strong” and then later that day he backtracked on that statement. He says he now wants more regulation of Wall Street, when throughout his long career he has been a champion of deregulation. Now the Wall Street Journal is slamming McCain on the economy… no wonder, since every statement he makes about the economy shows that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Bruce H. September 19th, 2008 4:00 pm ET

I guess it means that the “fundamentals of our economy” are not a strong as McCain believes them to be. I wonder what will come out of his mouth next?

Ken Trout, CA September 19th, 2008 4:00 pm ET

Jack, for the past couple of days I have only heard you talk about McCain and nothing about Obama. Obama lacks the skills, knowledge and experience to run this country and take us out of the mess that Bush #43 got us into!

Pete, Fla. September 19th, 2008 4:00 pm ET

Since when does the Wall Street Journal determine my vote for President? I don’t care what it said, I’m still looking carefully at both candidates and their specific plans to fix the economy, not some quote or soundbyte.

Marcos September 19th, 2008 4:13 pm ET

Ok.. I almost had to stop after your first 2 lines.

894th out of 899 is NOT mediocre.. that’s almost the rock bottom of the class!

Malka D. Oceanside CA September 19th, 2008 4:13 pm ET

the truth has come out and it shall set him free

Maria, Austin, TX September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

jack, this is really bad because wsj leans right. this means mccain as gone overboard and his intelligent base is not so solid.

don in naples, florida September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

Mccain is hard to slam. He has had an unfortunate week in the news. His tactics have become careless and sloppy. He has shown that even is so called straight talk is questionable. Mccain is falling apart it seems.

Russ from Toledo September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

It means that everything everyone THOUGHT is actually being put out there to see as FACT!

Barbara September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

I think it means, Jack, that at least ONE Washington Newspaper isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade…

Garrison September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

Basically, it means I’ll renew my subscription to the Wall Street Journal.

Troy Brown September 19th, 2008 4:14 pm ET

It is what it looks like, Jack.

Funny, the last time the government had to come to the rescue of the bankng industry, it was the S & L crisis, during the last 2-term Rebublican president’s second term. That’s what we get when their trickle down policies get to fester for a while.

Guess what Senator was in the middle of that crisis? How hypocritical for him to talk about incompetence and greed, when he saw first hand the effect it had last time, yet he still remained a champion deregulator.

This is happening because of people like John McCain, not in spite of him - some ‘maverick’.


joshua September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means what we all feared has come true: the Large Hadron Collider has sent us through a black hole to a parallel universe where Democrats sound more credible to the WSJ. Never thought I’d see the day.

Charleston, WV

Stephen Taylor September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means he’s toast!

Steve, Newtown

Cathy, Chandler, AZ September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Using McCain’s own words “he’s asleep at the switch!”

genius September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

This is just another example of McAncient’s typical Republican establishment ways. Loud mouth, no intelligence. It worked for Bush and I guess he thinks it will work for him.

Ian Fleming

the prophet September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

That shows how unprepared john mccain is to be president. No leader should make hasty decisions, and they should have a accurate knoledge base that could keep up with the times

Jud September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Come on, Jack! Barack gets a cordial interview with Bill O’Reilly. The Wallstreet Journal lowers the boom on McCain. It means Rupert Murdoch isn’t stupid, he’s just keeping his options open.

David Orozco September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

He is as presidential as Jethro Bodine!

Evan from Florida September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

I think it means that the Wall Street Journal isn’t falling for the “same old, same old” policies that John McCain is offering. Like the rest of the country, they are seeing that these policies have failed us for the last eight years and we cannot afford to have them fail us for four more.

Marilynn September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means the same thing it means in all the other brash, knee-jerk, useless tough-talk reactions from theMcCain-Palin ticket. As we wind into the final weeks of this campaign I believe more of us are seeing clearly through John and Sarah’s transparent veil of pretense and bravado. Indeed it is time for real change, and Obama is the only one offering that.

Mshaw September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Does anyone really think McCain gives a hoot about the Wall Street Journal? I doubt he’s ever even read an editorial in the WSJ - if he has he probably didn’t understand it anyway……

Max Hahn September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Why should this be a surprise to anyone. It was not too long ago that McCain himself said that the economy was not his strong point. I don’t know if he has any “strong points:

Red, Brooklyn, NY September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

You’re right Jack, when you graduate that low in your class, it will eventually show up. Open mouth and incert foot disorder! And he’s known to have a temper as well! The journal definately has a valad point and McCain had better listen up or he’s sure to loose another election attempt ~ that’s if it’s not already beyond hope!

aaron September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

it means Cafferty has found another way to highlight a problem HE has with McCain… how objective….

Tom Emerson September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

What does it mean? Not much, unfortunately. The same people who think it’s a badge of honor to barely graduate are the ones who elected a president proud to be a non-reader.

Those of us who do read and didn’t limp away with our degrees already know that electing the guy at the bottom of the class is a bad idea. It’s the other 48% we have to worry about.

Look… when the guy tells you up front that he’s a dim bulb and 48% of the electorate can’t wait to elect him, you have to wonder when Alan Funt (Candid Camera) is going to show up.

Dwayne Holmes September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

That just goes to show how seriously out of touch John McCain really is!

Ronnie Hopson September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means that they know what many Americans have known for a long time-John McCain is a dimwad!

G E Staples September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET


NOT ANY MORE! Shrill nonsensical comments dripping with sarcasm
sure doesn’t add any insight to any of your subjects.

gary September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means McCain is unable to put two and two together. There is not a calculater in this world that can compute the lack of accomplishments that McCain has contributed to the economy. In other words, to have McCain in the White House does not add up!

dmw September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

So what Jack! Anything that has ‘wall street’ in it is poison. So what what position John McCain graduated in the naval academy.

Jack you are so biased. When are we ever going to get a question negative about Obama or Biden??? Only negative questions you ask are about the Republican. Try to be a little more fair.

I would take what you said more seriously if you would just tell us you are for Barrack Obama.

carrie September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

if the wal street journal says anything about you, let alone blasts you , think you better think more than twice why you did or said something. they do not tell me who to vote for but they sure know what is up.

John September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Show’s he REALLY doesn’t know much about the economy!!
And probably a realization that “deregulation” isn’t such agreat thing ?????????

kelsey September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means he’s McToast.

Stephen Goldberg (Indiana) September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Back in 1960 when the Wall Street Journal criticized Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy remarked that for the WSJ to criticize a Republican was like L’Osservatore Romano criticizing the Pope. If Wall Street has no confidence in Sen. McCain he’s finished.

Chibi September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means that “Maverick” is a trigger-happy, shoot-from-the-hips and -lips cowpoke in the same mode as his sidekick cowgal, Sarah. We don’t need someone leading our country who is intellectually shallow, mean-spirited and finds blame quicker than finding solutions to problems. His thinking isn’t linear: it zig zags around, hoping to find a credible response. Give us a break, please!! We need a leader who can thoughtfully and intelligently assess a situation and give us reasoned solutions.

laura from missouri September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Jack, it speaks the truth! I sure hope everyone wakes up to the minute by minute flip-flopping this guy is doing. You know I learned a long time ago, “when you are pointing one finger at someone like he has done to Obama through-out this entire fiasco, their are 4 fingers pointing back at you” Let McCain take that to the bank. Thanks Jack for your support and hearts to you with your recent loss.

Rose Black September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Jack, it means exactly what most Americans already know, John McCain is clueless. The more he speaks the more he proves how out of touch he is with mainstream Americans and the economy.

Marshall Spevak September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

The WSJ is conservative. Sure they blasted McCain. Bush and McCain DO NOT REPRESENT conservatives! The Republican party has acted conservatively for a ling time. Conservatives want to protect the American dream, control spending, DO NOT RUN UP THE DEFICIT and do not hide War costs in a separate budget!!!!!! The dems have been more fiscally conservative in the last 20 years.

Speedo, Columbia, Tn September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

If the Wallstreet Journal is blasting McCain it probably means McCain is telling the truth and they don’t want their pocket books hurt. These are the same fatcats that got us in this mess by making millions so they don’t want anyone bucking them and their playhouse.

angelrosas999 September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

I think is very obvious that he does not have the mentality and capability to react as a president in time of crisis. I really wonder if he is fully capable to deal with Russia in time of crisis. God Helps all if the red botton is under his fingers…..

Angel Rosas
Denver, CO

Thomas W September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

This proves without a doubt that John McCain is not at all qualified to handle any real crisis. It is very easy to point fingers, but much harder to come up with a logical solution that will work. If he gets in office, it will be the final downfall of America.

David P. Vernon September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Tucson, AZ - It means that the leading conservative economic publication has no faith in McCain’s ability to do the Oval Office job. It would be one thing if this were coming from the Washington Post, or Democratic partisans. It is entirely another coming from what should be McCain’s natural constituency - he has an 80% rating from the Conservative Union and has supported all officially conservative economic policies of the past 26 years. Clearly, however, McCain is too ignorant of economic matters to be the “decider” for American economic policy - the Wall Street Journal says so!

Matt, Long Island, NY September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Jack, who cares what it means. With the government bailouts putting the middle class on the hook it would not shock me if 10 years from now we are exiting the United States on rafts.

Ben (from Seminole Florida) September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

This reminds of what JFK said about a Wall Street Journal editorial critical of Nixon during the 1960 presidential campaign. “That’s like the Osservatore Romano criticizing the Pope,” Kennedy said.

Gary from Florida September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

The editorial is pointing out that asking McCain to fix the economy is like asking the arsonist who started the fire that burnt down my house how to prevent future fires!

Stephen September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET


It just confirms what I think most people already know deep down, that a McCain / Palin administration would take this country even further down a very destructive path both socially and economically. It also means that it is time for all those voters who think their vote doesn’t matter to actually make their voice heard and show up at the polls come November.


Rickey September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

I believe that John McCains comments were done to say what will win him a couple of votes as his previous actions (picking Sarah Palin) as his VP running mate. The issue is, is that John McCain has given into the Politcs he bashes every single day. This is our country we are talking about. If you lose the election, SO WHAT! Do whats right for America! The way we are going, if John McCain is elected we will end up as another third world country.

Deborah from Los Angeles, CA September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

I’m confused. Which party is John McCain representing? I don’t think even he knows anymore.

John C from Lake Zurich September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

McCain is a economic maverick, right? Well now he is showing that mavericks are quick to draw, shoot from the hip, and ask questions later. His remarks and demeanor are NOT instilling much confidence in his judgement!

Shirley from Virginia September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET


I would compare it to Texas Republicans saying President Bush is not a native son, and we both know that just ain’t gonna happen, at least not in this century. When the Wall Street Journal turns against a Republican, it’s a once in a lifetime event!

Melanie September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

When a newspaper as conservative as The Washington Post states that McCain is not capable of running our Government’s economy, I hope it means all Americans will wake up and vote ALL Republicans out of office!

Larry N September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Winning elections is’s always about intelligence, running a nation is….we’ve had G.W, who was a baffoon in college and now we find out John McCain was as well, thank you Barack for having been at the top of your class as the top school in America….there is room in the White House for Charisma and the smarts to actually do the job.

John September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means the real McCain is finally being recognized for what he is, an old grouchy man who has absolutely no depth, character or capacity for thoughtful decision-making.

Lisa Hinson September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Sounds like a remake of Dumb and Dumber!

John September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

What it means is it’s time for Rupert Murdoch to FOX news-ify the Wall Street Journal so that dangerous honesty like this doesn’t again interfere with his partisan agenda.

John Loucks September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Yes McCains statement he made about firing Cox damaged his campaign and to verify that he has been and is “out of touch” with the economy and its functions. Finally people will see that to have someone like him run the country and fix the economy will be like
making an inexperienced woman a VP choice. Oops, he did that.

Linda Christiansen September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Senator DeRegulation, John McCain, is as much responsible for this mess as is Phil Grahm, and George Bush. The United States (we the people) have already bailed out Neal Bush during the Savings and Loan bailout. I guess they thought that worked out so well for them, why not do it bigger.

Jessica, Acworth, GA September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It’s extremely significant. Many of the people I’ve had debates with that are McCain supporters have quoted the WSJ in their efforts, because the publication has always favored a republican view point. Now it’s coming to light by one of their own sources what most of us have already known for some time. McCain is not our answer.

john September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

he’s about to blow!

Rachel Lucas September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

John McCain’s “former” economic advisor, Phil Gramm, is personally responsible for introducing a bill in 1999 that removed many of the protections set in place after the Great Depression. John McCain supported that bill, and the result is the deepest crisis since the 1920s. It was totally predictable. John McCain has no clue.

Daniel, Louisiana September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Jack, that is the icing on the cake. McCain is doing a fantastic job slamming himself and Palin.Picking her is the sugar in this cake and the cake is ti die for. 26yrs of experience and this is what we get? what a waste!

Jason from Tennesee September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Can you NOT be biased, Cafferty?
How about doing something critical of Obama for once, and yes, there’s much to be critical of.
McCain is right. Things could be much worse. Get Obama in office and then you’ll see how whining about this was trivial.

Barbara Blonsky September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It clearly means that John McCain cannot and must not be president of the United States. There is not a more powerful ad that Obama could make at this point - he simply needs to get the words of the Wall Street Journal out to all the people in this country. Thank you WSJ, thank you Rupert Murdoch! Sanity prevails!

Rob - Big Bear California September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

Um..does it mean the Wall Street Journal is sexist?

All the best Jack

Julie in California September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

I see a familiar look in McCain’s eyes right now. It’s the same look that George Bush had when he was reading “The Pet Goat” and was informed that America was under attack during 9/11. In this first real test of true leadership during this campaign, it’s evident that McCain has absolutely no idea what to do or say. Moreover, his cadre of advisers, including former Phil “Sub-Prime” Gramm and Carly “Golden Parachute” Fiorina have been his economic coaches with an economic philosophy that is–no pun intended–economically bankrupt.

Scott Jackson September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means that they are afraid a republican will actually reel them in and enforce common sense upon them. They are fearful of getting a hand that will not feed them.

Dustin T. September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

It means that politics as America has known them are coming close to the threshhold of change, it means that theres splinters through the party, scratch that both parties, as can be seen today by the demonstrators at Obama’s speech that were escorted out. People are upset and the system is starting to lose its sense. If someone doesn’t start to hold American politic’s hand though the changes, the original Lockean contract will start to splinter, God help us all if it does.
No matter who is elected when, we need change soon, that is obvious and necessary.

Loren McCullough September 19th, 2008 4:17 pm ET

He seems more like Bush43 everyday !!

Loren McCullough Lakeland Fl

Edith, Winchester, TN September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

He was unfortunate enough to be a prisoner of war…so were many others…and he has been using that line successful up to this point. Maybe it is not enough to know about the economy or qualify for president, you think?

Bailey, Columbus, OH September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means thatit is being revealed and brought to light that McCain does not know what he is doing, does not have economic policy experience and is not the right candidate for president. It also suggests that nepotism will only take you so far and he should have paid better attention in school and done better academically. Columbus, Ohio

Marcel September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It shows McCain’s gross and profound ignorance of the economy. He has told us he does not understand the principles of economy. If we elect him, we should not blame him if he plunges the nation’s economy into a historic woe. Americans watch out!

Margaret Meadowcroft September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means that they finally realized that this man should not be the next president of the US. It is his party that is to blame for this. I am 64, and I think he is too old to be president. It shows, in his appearance and lack of interest and understanding of certain issues. He have not had to worry about any personal finances or anything else. His wife takes care of everything. Also, look at his choice of a running mate.

Kristine Kraus September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Being blasted by the Wall Street Journal has many similarities to a pit bull wearing lipstick. It means the candidate in question is not in touch with the struggles we are all facing trying to save for retirement; paying for gas and polluting our environment. It also suggests that the candidate has not a clue how to lead us out of this mess.

April September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET


It means the Wall Street journal is just as sick of McCains lies and 1/2 truths as the American people are.

Sick and Tired in Georgia

Kendall Hewitt September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

If my memory is correct he has admitted during the campaign that he doesn’t understand the economy. He’s right.

Kendall Hewitt

Cody Simons September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

this is a major problem for McCain’s campaign, not just because the Wall Street Journal is blasting him, but because this is likely to be the number one issue throughout the rest of the of the election cycle. This is going to continue to haunt McCain from both the Obama campaign and real conservatives.

justin September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

it means top gun is not the number one movie in america anymore

ps ~ can i have an extra order of brains in my next commander in chief?

Agy, Tampa September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

When the nation faces serious turmoil McCain choses least experienced person as his running mate and now his solution for latest crisis is to fire the SEC chairman … what a shame if this nation elects him as president.

Michael September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

The man is toast.

Greg September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Yes! It just proves that McCain does not know a thing about economics. I am still sure he knows nothing about politics either!

dave from NH. September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Jack, while it’s true that McCain has shown his ignorance once again and proven he is the worst possible candidate to be president, it will have little effect on his numbers, because his supports are even more ignorant when it comes to the reality that is ruining this country.
Could you find a worse pair to run this country, that is if you want to salvage it?

Dicky Neely Corpus Christi, Tx. September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Hi Jack,
It means McCain is clueless on the economy and when the Wall Street Journal takes aim at a Republican prez candidate voters should listen. And don’t expect Barbie Alaska to be of any help, this wasn’t covered in the PTA or by her mentor the disgraced baked Alaska Senator Ted Stevens!
Dicky Neely
Corpus Christi, Tx..

Iwan September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Dear Jack,

Although my message is from Aruba we are delighted to have John McCain and Sara Pallin visiting us………we can make them disapear .

Diggins September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET


Phil Dynes September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It simply means that McCain will say anything that he thinks will make him a “Maverick”–get over that! For 26 yrs McCain was in Congress, where was he when the rules changed @ the SEC, when S/Loan occured, when the tech/real estate bubbles blew—he is doing nothing but blatant and pety pandering–if the stock market turns around, suddenly the head of the SEC will be “brilliant” and should be promoted.

Republicans–we can see through you (not to hard when you are razor thin on all of the issue’s). If the WSJ cannot compliment the Republicans, then you know they are in trouble.

Aziz September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Well Jack, that is a pretty strong editorial blasting McCain, I’d say that is the “final verdict” that McCain really doesn’t have a clue on the economy. The only question remains is will the American voters drink his Kool-Aid or see him for who he really is, clueless.

Gregory September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

What does it mean if the Wall Street Journal blast McCain for being a moron? It means that there is intelligent life within the Wall Street Journal. Wonder what they think of George Bush?

James September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means: “Wake up, America!” John McCain is losing his ability to analyze and react. He confuses Spain with Mexico. He forgets the difference between Shia and Sunni. He can’t recall that Iraq does not border Pakistan. It’s a sign of ” early memory loss” and I am sincerely sorry for John McCain. This man is not qualified to be president and his running mate is not qualified to be vice-president or (God forbid) president if required.

Dr. Jim

Jerry September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

How dare anyone, John McCane is a Maverick. And that is darn close to a Jack Ass. Jerry Iowa

Barbara September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means we need to elect Barack Obama, especiallly after his calm , reasoned, intelligent response today.

Rich from New Jersey September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means that the Wall Street Journal, as always, is an accurate source of information. Let’s hope the McCain supporters accept the truth that the Republican Party came up empty for a candidate this election and either vote for Obama or stay home on election day.

Getting Afraid September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

I’m starting to get afraid of a McCain administration. He doesn’t want to meet the leader of Spain (doesn’t he like hispanics?), he says that Iraq shares a border with afganistan and he’s getting confused about more and more foreign policy issues……

Is it stress or has he worked to much…what’s happening????

Ike from Harrisburg, PA September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means two things Jack. Issue #1 is the economy stupid, and John McCain is indeed STUPID!!

Don Kerr September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means he should run for major of Wahlin, Alaska not President of the United States.

Blaine, Minnesota

Jarvis Williams September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Jack- everyone knows that mccain is as goofy as that guy we had in the eighties and as dumb as that clown that we have now. I can’t wait until November 6th!

rob wall September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

the fact john mccain shows little control over his own statements is issue enough that he is not qualified to lead this country. whether the wsj, financial times and other leading, reputable reporters of sound understanding of what’s going on in the country is not the point. they are in the business of reporting truth in the news. mccain continues to stumble, bumble and fall completing the triad of ineptitude, contributing to his standing in the class at annapolis…way below decks.

Debbie September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means goodbye to the Republicans and Hellooooo to Obama.

Diane Ghil September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

This editorial is big because of what you said about the Wall Street Journal. It is a Republican conservative publication and to hear them confirm my thoughts about John McCain’s incompetence is good for me. However, more republicans have to hear this. McCain would make a terrible president. His first major decision in picking a VP was a disaster. I heard Palin answer questions without a script yesterday and was astonded by her stupidity. She almost sounded like that Miss North Carolina a year ago trying to answer a question about geography.
Thank you very much for bringing this out in the news.

Gwyn Van Winkle Tullahoma Tn September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

Perhaps John McCain could put his head together with Sarah Palin and figyure out how to get us out of this mess. Maybe she has an old classmate that would like to be head of the SEC.

Charles Gist, Somerset NJ September 19th, 2008 4:18 pm ET

It means the “rattlesnakes” are starting to commit suicide!!!

J B LOVEJOY September 19th, 2008 4:19 pm ET

It proves that the Republican Party is asking the voters to endorse yet another administration run by “leaders” who speak and act without serious thought.

We just can’t afford that.

J B Lovejoy
San Antonio, Texas

frances September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

Jack, it means “grab on to the rails, the titanic is going down”. Between this guy pretending to be a Presidential hopeful, and Palin, acting like Annie Oakley, this spells more trouble than the bail outs.


Steven Grzebyk September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

It seems the Senator is quick to react to situations, sometimes before all the facts are out. How could a few people bring down the entire U.S. economy? Instead of making people feel like their money is safe, he is just scaring them into panic mode. Well we see how he will act as president now!

Lance September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

The WSJ finally figured it out just what sort of leadership we’d get from McCain.

C. Scott Puckett September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

Even the “conservative” W.S.J. has realized that a calm and steady hand is in order during this time of crisis, as opposed to a “maverick” shooting recklessly from the hip in baffling sound bites.. Save the rhetoric, and double talk, and let’s get to some thought out solutions.. Soon!!

C. Scott
Oakland, CA

Daniel September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

Hopefully, this will help people wake up to the fact that McCain is what the Wall Street Journal says he is. I am volunteering for the Obama campaign and I hope this will make it easier to convince people that you should not vote for the best Republican, but instead, the best American running for office.

Xavier, Saint Louis, Missouri September 19th, 2008 4:23 pm ET

It means the “original maverick” and his clueless apprentice Palin, will lie, say and do anything to get elected. Out-of-touch is an understatement!

Michael, Toronto, Canada September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET


I really hope for the sake of the US and the rest of the world, that the American voters accept the reality that Mr McCain is correct……in that he is not good at economics…..and give Obama to opportunity to change Washington and give hope to the rest of the world.

holly , MI September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

I think its great that The Wall Street Journal is blasting John MCCain. They point out that he is a hot head. We do not need a hot head in the oval office. The Wall Street Journal reinforces my view that he is a danger to have in the oval office. We need someone that is calm cool and collected not only for the benefit of the American people, but to rebuild diplomacy tinternationally.

Caroline, Hamer SC September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

John McCain has never had to balance anything in his whole life Mom and Dad did it for him and now it is Cindy’s job. He doesn’t even know how to buy grocery, pay rent or pumb gas,his running mate is not much better sounds like her husband does most the work.

Nick Tsolakis September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

Jack, what it means is a vote for McCain is a vote for President Palin, anyone who hasn’t seen the pandering of this out of touch elderly veteran will cast his vote for the future president Palin. But not to worry, everything will be ok, the new McCain Palin logo is about to be released. It will be a pit bull shredding the US Constitution while at the same time holding down the American tax payer with its claws.

Marve1 September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

What we have is a “perfect storm”, with many different events coming together and one variable either minimizing the damage or giving it more strength. McCain has said that economics isn’t his forte and Palin is obviously clueless about it —McCain-Palin have been added to this chance combination to make it catastrophic.
In other words, it means that the Republican Party has definitely chosen the wrong candidate for this momentous time in history.

Chris September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

It means that even the Republican Party agree that a Democrat will give the change that this nation needs. It looks like “The fundamentals of our economy are strong” is getting to people now.

bill September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

mccain is one scary individual. he is ill informed or just plain stupid when it comes to what he could do or would do. I dont want someone like him sitting there in washington taking care of my future.

IMathers3 September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

I think that a man that blast his maverick style of judgments, without truly understanding the consequences of the statements made are scary. In a time that foreign relations and economic issues require articulate and intelligent attention. He is not it!

Elizabeth NC September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

It bet it means that Phil Graham and Fiorina just cancelled their WSJ subscriptions. John McCain has probably never had a subscription.

Eric Fullilove September 19th, 2008 4:24 pm ET

It means that the Presidential election is essentially over. McCain’s weakness on the biggest issue of our time is a death knell to his candidacy. Palin cannot save him, particularly if she’s stonewalling the troubling Troopergate investigation and has no expertise to bring to the table, and her selection increasingly appears to be a gimmick that does not improve the ticket’s ability to govern. Anybody who isn’t terrified of the notion of John McCain’s hands on the wheel now is in absolute denial.

Scott from Charles Town, WV September 19th, 2008 4:48 pm ET

What does it mean? Nothing. Clearly the fact the McCain has no clue means nothing or the polls would show a huge swing to Obama. It is frustrating that McCain can keep lying and showing his lack of economic ability, but still have some states shifting his way.

Donna September 19th, 2008 4:53 pm ET

I think it means John McCain should stop calling Obama and Biden “dumb”..

Robert Berkowitz September 19th, 2008 4:54 pm ET

I think it’s time that we stop looking at what party a candidate belongs to, but rather their leadership and judgement in leading the country. It has gotten to the point that because John McCain represents the Republican Party, that his views and ideas are totally agreed upon regardless of their merit. We have to start looking at the man we are electing and not just the party he represents. The choice this year is perfectly clear. Don’t let a polical party block out cloud your thoughts. Our children will thank us one day.

Ruth,Missisauga, Ontario, Canada September 19th, 2008 4:54 pm ET

I think it means they agree with John McCain, HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE ECONOMY!!!

Gerry September 19th, 2008 4:54 pm ET

Quite simple Jack, it means the Wall Street Journal knows what it’s talking about.

McCain is a baffoon.

James Merton September 19th, 2008 4:54 pm ET

It means “get personal”. Single out a person, get people to believe
that he/she
is responsible for what is truely a systemic failure, and exact

The simplest trick in politics. But NOT this time.

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